
Happy 2-4 eh?

Confession Time: I've been a bad lefty leftsist leftard.  They're doing construction on the commuter rail tracks I normally ride to get to the office.  On the way in it's not too bad, the speed restrictions just mean that I sit on a mostly empty train for twenty extra minutes.  Coming home though, my chances of catching the connecting train is zilch which adds 40 minutes of hanging about Union Station in rush hour to my commute home.  So I've been driving.  No car-pool either, just me, alone in the death-box, burning fossil fuel clear across the city (and, extra, commas, too).

Anyways, that drive basically goes straight across LEAFS SUCK which is usually a shitty shitty drive.  Not this morning though.  Monday is a holiday and a lot of folks have taken today off to stretch it to a four-day break, so traffic was a lot ligher than usual.  Should make up in part for the nightmare that getting home will be, when everybody left in the city takes to the roads to head out for the first cottage week-end of the season.

And on that note, some May 2-4 music (from teh eighties):


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Monday is a holiday and a lot of folks have taken today off to stretch it to a four-day break...

Rapture is tomorrow, d00d.

Dragon-King Wangchuck said...

Yeah, I don't think I qualify as Rapture-Ready. Well unless we're asking your mom for her opinion.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

When she says "Oh god" it's just 'cuz she's bored. She's thinking "Oh god, when will this be over?"

Now, thunder's Dad, on the other hand...

Substance McGravitas said...

I recommend THE BUS.